Sharpsburg Sharpshooters
Sons Of Confederate Veterans
Camp 1729 - HQ Turin, Georgia
“Established 1996”
"Wm Thomas Overby Memorial Camp"
“Soldiers Cemetery”
270 CSA In Confederate Section
Oak Hill Cemetery Newnan, GA
Welcome to our Website
Browse around and sign our guest book and
check our links for more info about our
proud and noble “Southern Heritage”

Location: Turin Masonic Lodge 337
City of Turin, GA
2nd Monday at 7pm
1729 Newsletter
For Camp Info contact by email
Ronny North
PH: (770) 502-8914
Or GA Division SCV HQ
Our Confederate Heros Links
Click on picture
General Robert E. Lee, CSA
Told to Texas ex-governor F. W. Stockdale:
"Governor, if I had foreseen the use these people
desired to make of their victory, there would have
been no surrender at Appomattox, no, sir, not by
me. Had I seen these results of subjugation, I would
have preferred to die at Appomattox with my brave
men, my sword in this right hand."