Susan Crawford Hightower married 2nd (in 1858) Dr. W. Bartley Couch of Spalding Co. and Coweta Co. It is the writer's opinion that Susan Crawford Hightower Couch should be accepted as a qualifying ancestor for membership in the United Daughters of the Confederacy and Sons of Confederate Veterans on the strength that she bore arms against the Yankee army during the 1864 invasion of Georgia. When a detachment of Union cavalry rode up to her home just north of Mt. Zion Methodist Camp- ground in Spalding County, she determined to protect her home, her children and her servants in the temporary absence of her husband, Dr. Couch. She took up a shotgun and went out on the front porch of her house to meet the enemy. The gun was loaded and she held it aimed at the commanding officer of the company. He ordered her to put the weapon down, saying that she would be shot if she made any resistance to the soldiers. "You may kill me," she said, "but I will kill the first man of you who moved to dismount his horse." Realizing that she meant her words, the officer, after a tense pause, turned and ordered his men to ride on. This account was told and documented in the annals of the Couch family of Coweta County.
by Historian, Joseph Hightower Moore
Senoia City Cemetery Senoia, Georgia
"A Confederate Hero"
Susan Couch represents the bravery and courage of the southern women during the War for Southern Independence, 1861-1865. For this the ladies of SCV Camp 1729 named their auxiliary in her honor. My she never be forgotten and the cause for witch she so bravely defended. DEC
"If I ever disown, repudiate, or apologize for the Cause for which Lee fought and Jackson died, let the lightnings of Heaven rend me, and the scorn of all good men and true women be my portion. Sun, Moon, Stars, all fall on me when I cease to love the Confederacy. 'Tis the cause, not the fate of the Cause, that is glorious!" --- Maj. R.E. Wilson, CSA
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