SCV 1729 Flag Retirement Ceremony
Flag retirement ceremony Saturday, Oct 29, 2011 at Byrom’s house. Well over a hundred flags respectfully retired with probably 75 people and a cannon. Cmdr John C. Todd
"Almighty God, High and Mighty Ruler of the Universe, be with us at this hour. Bless and consecrate these proceedings as may seem fitting in your sight. We now stand before you giving thanks for our Country and its Flag. We thank you for liberty, for which our country stands and which our Flag represents. To clean and purging flame we commit these Flags, worn in worthy service. As they yield their substance to the fire, may your Holy Light spread over us and bring our hearts renewed devotion to God and Country Amen." "United States Federal Law provides that 'The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.' (36 U.S.C. 176(k))”
I'm Your Flag
I was born of a people, who refused a corrupt king, Instead they chose America to do their own thing. I'm Your Flag First put together from thread and old cloth, I came into this world through Betsy Ross. I'm Your Flag Over the years I've flown so serene. Yet I've served in the worst battles you've ever seen. I'm Your Flag I've been saluted, I've been burned, Veterans have carried me, as all heads turned. I'm Your Flag I've served in the rain, I've served in the snow, You've never asked twice, I was ready to go. I'm Your Flag I've flown at events where people have cried, You've seen me drape the caskets of those who died. I'm Your Flag Now a new challenge awaits us all, And a new generation must meet the call. I'm Your Flag As always, I'll be with you charging into the fray, Take heart fellow Americans, we will not stray I'm Your Flag From the beginning until today, I've stood for freedom without any sway, so grab the torch and hold it high, for I AM YOUR FLAG AND I WILL NEVER DIE!by Teryl E. Williamson 2001
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