At Shadnor First Baptist Church cemetery in
Union City there is two simple markers telling
of 3 Unknown Union and 18 Unknown Confederate
soldiers buried in the church cemetery. These
soldiers were killed in the area during August,
September and October of 1864. Church records
are long lost and no record has been found yet
for the exact location of these soldiers graves.
We do know that the family who own family plots
in Shadnor cemetery gave places for these soldiers
to be buried.
With the consent of church officials an area of
the cemetery was designated for 21 Unknown Soldiers
grave markers for these soldiers. On September 30,
2006 SCV Camps, "Sharpburg Sharpshooters" #1729
and "Gen. Longstreet" #1289 held a dedication
ceremony for these 21 Unknown and 26 old and newly
marked Confederate soldiers graves at Shadnor.
Dedication Service
”Marking the grave of a Confederate soldier who has
no marker or none telling of his service to his country
is the most rewarding, the most enduring of all the
duties of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. For over one
hundred years people have passed the graves of these men
not knowing their significance. Now when they pass and
look upon them they will know they were heroes of their
day, that they were Confederate soldiers.”
David E. Corley VWM/SCV
American War Veterans Buried at Shadnor
First Baptist Cemetery Union City, Georgia
Confederate States of America
Union Army of America
All but a few of these markers were researched, ordered
and placed in the summer of 2006 by David E. Corley including
the 3 Unknown Union and 18 Unknown Confederate. He is a member
of GA SCV Camp 1729, and GA SAR Marquis De Lafayette Chapter and
other Hereditary Society. Some of the others were placed by GA
SCV Camp 1289 member David Helms, and others by the veteran’s
descendants. Coweta, Campbell and Fayette Counties Genealogy
Societies were the source of research.

© Copyright David E. Corley 2006 All Rights Reserved