SCV Camp 1729 Friends
“Gone but not forgotten”
I don't remember exactly when I first met Tony. It was on a battlefield sometime in the early to mid 1990's. I was serving with Phillip's Legion and he joined up. Shortly after that I slacked off on reenactments and he got in to it big time. Our paths crossed a few times over the years at memorial services or reenactments. After I joined the Sharpsburg Camp he and I became close friends. On paper Tony was a member of the Luthersville Camp, in Sharpsburg we considered him a member of our Camp. All I had to do was call him and he would be at every event we participated in, marker dedication, cemetery cleaning, it didn't matter, he'd be there. The only exception was if it conflicted with a family event. Tony adored his family and would not miss a birthday party or family gathering. One of Tony's missions in life was to embarrass me, make me turn red. He was very good at it. When I was elected commander a few years ago that was just fuel for the fire. I had my teenage sons sit next to him to haul him out if he got out of hand. If you knew Tony you can imagine what happened then... I turned red.. ..he stayed. Tony was at most of our Camp meetings in Sharpsburg. To hear him tell it "Look, I've got a company truck, company gas card and y'all are gonna feed me good. Why wouldn't I be here?" Tony meant many things to many people. You could not go anywhere with him without running into somebody he knew. On two different occasions he was at our meeting when we were swearing in a new member. He already knew both of them, Mike Brown and Hoyt Pruitt. He was a very dear friend to me and my family. His outlook on life was incredible. If I had a bad day and called him, suddenly things looked better, even if I had heard those jokes and stories before. Tony was a walking encyclopedia of current events and history. It always amazed me that he could carry on a conversation with anybody about anything. He knew his history, especially Confederate history. Tony was the second good friend and Compatriot I've lost this year. Past GA Division CMDR Willis "Bill" Nolen died earlier. Tony worked very hard to give Bill a Confederate funeral and did an excellent job. The GA Division has lost at least two very hard working Compatriots this year.They will both be sorely missed by me and many others, but as long as their memory lives in our hearts they will never be gone. I am very glad that Tony's daughters, Tracey and Christie, allowed us to be a part of his send off. I have no doubt that this is exactly what he wanted. On July 29, 2007 a memorial service was held for Tony at Nash Farms Battlefield. There were 300+ people present, 75 or more in uniform, 2 cannon, 30 or more muskets in the honor guard. I tried to keep count of brigades and camps represented but couldn't, too many. Tony always loved a crowd. He had one Sunday. Some of his ashes were fired at Nash Farms, the rest will be fired over Charleston Harbor, probably in Jan 08. Thanks to the efforts of Scott Chandler, Tim Mincey, Mark Pollard, James Pollard and countless others, Past Commander Tony Allums had a very fitting send off. We could all learn a lot from the example Tony set, in life as well as in the Sons of Confederate Veterans. I hope to one day grow up to be just like him. Quoting my eight year old son Abraham "He was a great man and my friend" My thanks to all who came out to Nash Farms to send Tony home.
Anthony Randall Allums 01/27/1949-07/19/2007
John C Todd
Commander 11th Brigade GA Division Past CMDR Sharpsburg Sharpshooters Camp 1729 Sons of Confederate Veterans
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